
Showing posts from January, 2019

Watercolor 101 - Molly Murrah (

( #watercolor #watercolour #creativelive #artistic #burgener ) This course is divided into 5 weeks. Week 1     -     Lectures 1-2 Week 2     -     Lectures 3-12 Week 3     -     Lectures 13-18 Week 4     -     Lectures 19-23 Week 5     -     Lectures 24-28 In Week 1 lectures terminology and different equipment is discussed. In Week 2 lectures we finally dive into doing some work.  You can see the work that I performed in the images below.  In the apples image the apple on the left was done with a yellow base with the other colors layered on top of it and the one on the right was done with a red base. ©2019 Artistic Burgener

Under the Sea Painting Video

( #video #painting #sea #acrylic #artistic #burgener )

Section 4: 16 through 18 (The Ultimate Drawing Course - Beginner to Advanced)

( #Drawing #Pencil #Draw #Artistic #Burgener ) ←Previous post              Next post→ We now move onto the next part of section 4 of The Ultimate Drawing Course - Beginner to Advanced (  ) course. In lesson 16 we practice making 3D geometric shapes.  I also did a drawing of plastic Halloween teeth for fun. In lesson 17 we practice making shadows on 3D objects.  Some objects that I practice on were a battery, candy cane, clear liquid bottle, measuring tape, and ratchet  socket. In lesson 18 we practice on some complex shapes with shadowing. ©2019 Artistic Burgener

Section 4: 13 through 15 (The Ultimate Drawing Course - Beginner to Advanced)

( #Drawing #Pencil #Draw #Artistic #Burgener ) ←Previous post              Next post→ We now move onto section 4 of The Ultimate Drawing Course - Beginner to Advanced (  ) course.  In lessons 13 through 15 we are practicing images using geometric shapes.  You can see my practice images below.  In lesson 13 we are asked to generate a random character using geometric shapes.  In lesson 14 we are tasked to make a simple landscape using geometric shapes.  In lesson 15 we are tasked to make a character, in a step by step process. ©2019 Artistic Burgener


( #mermaid #painting #acrylic #artistic #burgener) Brady L.B. Mermaid Acrylic Painting on Panel 8x10

How to Paint (The Great Courses)

( #paint #artistic #burgener ) I will be taking How to Paint from The Great Courses.  It is taught by Professor Ricky Allman.  You can find this course by following the following link: In lecture 1, we practice making lines and circles using shoulders, elbows, wrists, and fingers. In lecture 2, we practice making silhouette of trees.  In practicing we use different bushes and test what kind of line weight we can achieve. In lecture 3, we practice making value gradients.  Below you can see my first attempt at the project for this lecture. ©2019 Artistic Burgener

Painting Birch Trees

( #Birch #Trees #Acrylic #Paint #Artistic #Burgener ) Premieres 1/23/19, 12:00 PM Come watch as we paint birch trees against a snowy background.  It will be available 1/23/2019. ©2019 Artistic Burgener

Titanium White Acrylic Paints From Hobby Lobby

( #titanium #white #acrylic #hobby #lobby #artistic #burgener) Titanium White from Acrylics from Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby Brands -Fine Touch -Master's Touch Liquitex Brands -Heavy Body -Basics ©2019 Artistic Burgener

Trees Having Fun

( #Acrylic #Painting #Tree #Artistic #Burgener ) Brady L.B. Trees in a Moonlit Night Acrylic Painting on Panel 8x10 This painting is about the quite solace that you can find in the view of a moon lit night.  I often wish I could find myself back to the Utah trees of my youth. Brady L.B. Winter Birch Trees Acrylic Painting on Panel 8x10 The beauty of the birch trees against the snow banks can be calming against the soft background of winter.  These trees are always reaching the sky and we should be also. ©2019 Artistic Burgener